Specialty: Neurologist University Affiliation: University of Toronto University Clinic Movement Disorder Research Centre
Toronto Western Hospital 399 Bathhurst Street 5W-445, Toronto, Ontario, M5T 2S8 Phone
Number 416-603-5927
Clinic / Centre Resourses:
Elspeth Sime Julie So Luisa Del Rizzo
Robert Chen P. Ashby Willaim Hutchinson Jonathon Dostrovosky Karen Davis
Services Offered
This is a general Movement Disorder Clinic dedicated to patient Care
Parkinsons Huntingtons Tourettes Dystonia Tremor Restless Leg Syndrome
Basic Science Research
Movement Disorder Fellowships Offered Group Memberships:
Ongoing Clinical Studies
Functional Neurosurgery is offered Transplantation is not offered at this time