Caregiver Supports





    Articles, comprehensive checklists, and links to key resources designed to make it easier for caregivers to quickly find the information they need.


National Family Caregivers Association

An American Resource

The national Family Caregivers association is a grasss roots organization created to educate, support, and empower those who care for chronically ill, aged or disabled loved ones.

Phone - 1-800-896-3650

Caregiver Network Home Page: 

 A Canadian Resource

This website has links to resources in the  Toronto area, but also contains items of interest to caregivers across the country,  particularly the Caregiver Resource Guide, a list of federal, provincial and  local organizations of interest to caregivers. is produced by the caregiver media group,a leading provider of information, support, , and guidance for family and professional caregivers.

The Canadian Mental Health  Association

The Canadian Mental Health  Association (CMHA) branches offer workshops on parenting, stress and mental illness, and  programs on suicide prevention,  plus a variety of support groups.  They also work  with employers to help reduce stress in the workplace and assist people returning to work  after a mental illness.

The National Film Board

of  Canada

The  National Film Board has a large selection of videos for Caring People & Professionals ml


Manitoba  Resources


Winnipeg Community & Long  Term Care Authority"Companion  Care"

Companion Care is a program for  people who can no longer manage independently but prefer to live in a house rather than a  personal care home.   Companion Care Providers welcome older people into their homes  where they offer health support services all within the warmth and comfort of a private  home

Rupert's Land Caregiver  Services

Rupert's Land Caregiver Services  provides in-home respite care, telephone support, caregiver support groups, assisted  transportation and information  & referral services.

168 Wilton Street, Winnipeg,  MB    R3M 3C3

Phone:    452-9491


Other  Resources


© Family Caregiver Alliance

425 Bush Street, Suite 500, San  Francisco, CA 94108.

Phone (415) 434 3388

Fax (415) 434 3508